Food Ministry

We provide food to hungry people in our community. Our goal is to help the hungry and build relationships in a warm and welcoming environment. 

Food Cupboard

Our food cupboard is open and committed to providing food to our neighbors in need.

Hours: Friday mornings by appointment only. Please call the office at 514-457-6934 and we will be pleased to help.

All parishioners are welcome to contribute non-perishable food items to our Food Cupboard – a container is located at the back of the church on Sunday mornings or at the church office during the week. Our food is shared first within the community and any surplus is shared with local food banks.

Community Meal

On the third Friday of each month, we offer offer a safe place for people from all segments of society, to come together to enjoy a free, nutritious meal in a warm and welcoming environment.

All ages are welcome. Please order in advance by calling or emailing the office and letting us know if you would like it delivered to your home.

Next meal January 17 - 6:00 pm in the lower hall

Food Baskets

Food baskets are assembled for families in need each Easter and at other special occasions. Food donations can be brought to church any time throughout the year. We appreciate any help.

Any family or individual, regardless of religious belief (or non-belief), please contact the church office at 514-457-6934 anytime during the year.

Supporting the FOOD CUPBOARD is supporting your community.